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How To Take Care Of A Sprained Ankle

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If you are walking along and step on an uneven surface, twisting your ankle in a way that causes you a lot of pain, it is possible you have sprained your ankle. Making an appointment with a foot and ankle doctor is recommended to rule out fractures. If your doctor concludes you did not injure the bone, there are some ways to help relieve the pain and heal the ankle properly. Here are some tips to follow when you have sprained your ankle.

Rest Your Ankle

When you have an ankle sprain, the best way for it to heal is to stay off of it. Any walking you do when you have an ankle injury will lengthen the time it takes to heal and could cause you to hurt it worse than it already is. Use crutches until your ankle feels strong enough to bear some weight upon your leg. 

Ice Your Ankle

Put ice on your ankle for the first few days after you received the injury. This will help reduce swelling around the injured area, which will help keep pain from becoming too unbearable. Put an ice pack or bag of frozen vegetables inside of a pillow case before you rest it upon the affected area. Do not use the ice on the ankle for more than twenty-minute increments to reduce the chance of frostbite.

Wrap Your Ankle

Wrap your ankle with elastic compression material to help keep the area from swelling. Keep your ankle wrapped for two to three days following an injury. Afterwards, wear an ankle brace for a week or so to help keep the ankle stable as you put it back into use.

Raise Your Ankle

Keep your ankle raised in the air for a few hours a day for the first two or three days after you sprain it. This will help keep it from swelling and bruising. Keep the ankle above the level of your heart for the best results. Use several pillows to prop up your leg while you are in a lying down position.

Exercise Your Ankle

As you start becoming more mobile after the injury, your ankle will become stronger. Your doctor may recommend you do some physical therapy activities to regain strength and to help keep your ankle from becoming injured again. When your ankle is weak, it is susceptible to another twist very easily. Wear high-topped shoes or hiking boots to help stabilize the ankle as you begin using it more often.

For more information about recovering from a sprain, contact a company like Advanced Foot & Ankle Center of Palatine.
