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Have Chronic Foot Pain, Discoloration, Or Swelling? What To Know

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If you have pain and fatigue in your feet or specifically a foot, and your regular doctor hasn't been able to treat the chronic problem properly, it's time to see a podiatrist. A podiatrist is a foot specialist, and they can see what type of condition you are dealing with, whether it's a broken bone, stress fracture, infection, arthritis, and more. Here are some of the signs that you need to see a foot specialist to deal with the concerns, and what you want to do to treat the pain you are struggling with.

Pain is Persistent

If the pain doesn't feel better while you are resting or walking, this indicates that you need to see a podiatrist to deal with the problem. If the pain dulls but never completely goes away, and you are always taking over the counter medications to deal with the pain, you want to find a treatment solution, not to cover up the problem and pain.

Swelling is a Concern

When your foot is swelling, it's telling you there is something wrong. This could be a problem with circulation, a break or tear, or another complication in the foot. If you are always icing the foot, it's hot to the touch, and you can visibly see the swelling, this is a concern that you want to address right away.

Discoloration Occurs

If the foot starts to turn colors, you want to make an emergency appointment. If the foot is turning black and blue, this could mean that there is a circulation problem. If the red is always red, splotchy, or pink, this could be caused by heat from an infection or some type of allergic reaction. You want to get to the bottom of the cause of the discoloration, so you know what you should expect.

There are a lot of different problems that can arise with the feet, from a strain in the bones, muscles, ligaments, and tendons, to infections from bacteria and fungus. If you have chronic pain in your foot and you don't know what the cause of the problem is, you want to see a podiatrist, so you can see what the issue is, and so you can be sure that it isn't a medical problem that needs treatment right away. Make your appointment and take any recent images that you have had taken of the foot, so the expert can see them.

For more information, contact a company like Advanced Foot Clinic.
