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Tips For Protecting Your Feet When You Take Up Running

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If you decide to take up running as a way to get in shape, then you'll want to start off slow and gradually build your tolerance. If you run too far too soon, then you run the risk of developing problems with your feet and ankles. When you get in shape, you'll still need to take care not to train too hard for a marathon because a foot injury could put an end to running for several weeks until the injury heals. Here are some tips for protecting your feet and ankles when you run.

Wear Quality Running Shoes

Good running shoes might be expensive, but you want to wear shoes of good quality to protect your feet. The shoes should support your feet as well as cushion them against impact when you run on a hard surface. Be sure to buy shoes made for running rather than another sport. Running shoes usually have a notch in the back so that pressure is not placed on your Achilles tendon when you run.

In addition to quality shoes, you want to pick shoes that have the ideal fit to avoid rubbing or squeezing your toes together. In addition, you'll need to replace your shoes regularly depending on how much you run. You might need to get new shoes a couple of times a year if you wear them down fast.

Don't Ignore Foot Pain

You may have tired and sore feet at the end of a run, but if you develop pain that turns into a chronic problem, you should see a foot and ankle specialist to be treated. Ignoring the pain can lead to tissue damage that takes a long time to heal. Resting a few days at the first sign of pain gives your tissues time to recover.

Running can cause a number of problems with your feet and ankles due to improper shoes, injuries, or gait problems. A podiatrist can diagnose the cause of your pain and recommend the right treatment to speed healing so you can get back to running quickly and safely.

Learn First Aid For Injuries

Foot injuries are a potential risk every time you run. Landing on a rock or twisting an ankle can cause a sprain or bruised area. Stopping to rest and applying ice on the injury can help with pain and swelling. You can treat minor injuries yourself by propping your foot up on an ice pack several times a day to help with healing. However, more serious injuries could require a visit to a podiatrist or a physical therapist, so you have no lasting effects that interfere with your ability to run in the future.

Your feet take a lot of abuse when you run, so don't take them for granted or you may develop chronic foot pain. Increase your distance gradually and listen to your body. Rest your feet when you need to and if you have problems with pain, talk to a podiatrist about how to build your endurance safely. For more information, check out a website like
